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I have been a fan of Laura Lippman’s mysteries for many years and have always enjoyed her style, characters and frequent setting of Baltimore.

When I saw her latest book come out, I thought it would be of similar caliber. But there was just something about Lady in the Lake that never clicked for me.

I would not consider it a mystery and the characters were pale comparisons to the Tess Monaghan character and countless others in the books that came before this one.

I had no feeling for the main character, Maddie Schwartz, other than mild annoyance, which lead to a disinterest in what she did and thought. And the book was basically a litany of the inane thoughts of this Jewish housewife turned divorcée and journalist.

Book coverI thought about not finishing the book, but I kept hoping that somehow the story would turn around and be more of what I expect when I read a book by Laura Lippman. But alas, like the Lady in the Lake (really a dead body in a fountain), there was nothing to revive this novel.